Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dawn in the Land Down Under

I've long lost any sense of what time it should be, at least according to when I woke up this morning. It's just after dawn here, and since I slept a good portion of the flight, it almost seems right, save for the 4-5 hours I've been awake during the end of the flight. Still....

Nykki was concerned I'd be feaking out. We weren't checked in for our next flight (or the one after that). Our luggage is -supposed- to be moving to our next flight, save the stroller, which in theory is coming up here to meet us for a plane-side check. So much is out of our hands that normally I would be a bit stressed about it, on a good day.

However the blur of jet lag is making me feel... well, a lot of things right now are no longer in my control, so I'll have to let what happens happen. Hopefully the luggage makes it, but I suspect it will. The stroller isn't a huge loss, as the toddler seems to thrive on airports, running around them with an energy I envy. And the rest? We'll make it happen.

Perhaps I'm mellowing. Or it's the jetlag. Perhaps a bit of both. These last two legs are what remain between us and stopping for a while. And the stop will be more unplugged that we get, even on vacation most of the time. (At least until I can fix the network there. It seems they have problems with it and email. We'll see when we get there, I suspect.)

I'm tired. I'm ready for the travelling to be done, I think. Tired of airports and cramps planes. Not much longer now.


  1. It's so good to hear from you that it has gone well so far! I await eagerly the new posts from you. We just spoke on our bike ride about how much of the language you might pick up. I wonder if Miriam will be exposed enough to pick some up. Hope your luggage goes smoothly and the next legs of your trip. The bulk of your flying is done. Got a message from Jen asking us to enroll you in family camp? Is that correct?

  2. I had mentioned familiy camp earlier, but canceled due to other plans that have now fallen through.

    I a glad to hear things are going well and Miri enjoys airports. Traveling with children adds a whole new dimension to travel.
