Sunday, May 31, 2009

Step 3: Brisbane to Port Moresby

On the ground in Brisbane after a flight that continued to run smoothly. Miriam slept most of the way, and then watched Playhouse Disney and Dora on the in-flight entertainment system, and did not annoy our row-mate overmuch. She also did not cry. American Airlines checked us through only to here, so they have a lookout for our bags and are planning to take them off the carousel and recheck them. Similarly, our stroller was planeside checked and is hopefully going to be returned to the transfer desk.
This makes me anxious.

I am wearing a skirt now, unfamiliar as it feels, and have read the section on Melanesian culture in my travel guide. The Highlands are spoken of universally as a wild and fierce people, but fascinating. I cannot imagine - I do not know what to expect. I am a little bit afraid.

My Angel is experimenting with Tok Pisin, and seems to have the basic grammatical structure down. It is mainly a matter of vocabulary from here. We read the phrasebook portion of the Lonely Planet guide and toyed with roots of words. And soon we will see how right we are...

Half hour from now we're to check in at the transfer desk once again. Hopefully we'll have boarding passes. Then when we land in Port Moresby, we clear New Guinean customs before boarding the last leg. And then...

1 comment:

  1. It's so good to hear from you that it has gone well so far! I await eagerly the new posts from you. We just spoke on our bike ride about how much of the language you might pick up. I wonder if Miriam will be exposed enough to pick some up. Hope your luggage goes smoothly and the next legs of your trip. The bulk of your flying is done. Got a message from Jen asking us to enroll you in family camp? Is that correct?
    How do I change this so it doesn't say Mrs. Bever? It's from Chuck's blog, I know.
