Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Good Day

I'm constantly amazed at what my child will do sometimes that makes me happy. One wouldn't think going the whole day with 'only' 2 accidents (and those being BMs rather than just urinating). Still, it means that it was a 2 pair of underwear day for her (the accidents were while she was refusing to put pants on) rather than a 5-6 pair day. And she's starting to recognize that she needs to go, which is even better. Now if only she would stay in bed at bedtime.

The weather seems to have fallen into a routine and only rarely varies it, other than the amount of rain. The mornings are cool, but not cold, and damp. The day starts cloudy, but by 8 or so the sun has found its way out of the clouds. Then, around 4 or so, the clouds start to return, usually with some rain. The rain stops for the evening, but there seems to always be a bit more rain over night. Temperatures never change much, starting in the mid-low 60s in the mornings and maybe touching mid to upper 70s by mid afternoon. Particularly sunny days might glance at 80.

Life here is starting to fall into almost a routine. I work one day and watch Miriam and study some the next. Lunch around noon, dinner somewhere between 6 and 7, depending on when I can get started on it and how long things take at higher altitudes to cook. (Noodles and rice seem to take just a minute or two longer than I'm used to.) Baking is always an adventure. Today, I was guessing as to the size of a "square of chocolate", as the chocolate we do have came in 1 cm squares. The brownies were a bit lacking in chocolate, but still gooey and good. (Almost caramel-y.)

Nykki's on call tonight, off at the hospital and I hope it's taking a long time just because she's getting a feeling for something, and not because it's complicated or life threatening. Though there isn't much I can do but pray.


  1. Weigh the chocolate. A "square of chocolate" is 1 oz or 30 g.

  2. Hmm.. then I was short 10g of chocolate, which doesn't sound like that much.
