Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Meanwhile, back at the ranch

While Nykki was dealing with all the fallout from the station docs all leaving to see the ambassador (she's in yellow in the middle), I got to go to the meeting. (After figuring out that the work I wanted to get done on cabling in one of the buildings was going to be stymied by all the long-term station people being at that same meeting.)

Ambassador Rowe toured the station and then had a small town-hall-ish meeting. In the meeting, she went over what the embassy is doing with PNG (and the Solomon Islands and Bantu, as they're all the same ambassador position). She also appologized for not getting out to the station until now, but everytime they tried to plan something, some 'excitement' in Mt Hagen would nix the trick. (Things like burning down the court house. It's weird hearing about these things in Hagen when it's been quiet here in Kudjip.)

She also went over how to join the Foreign Service. Apparently, there's an online test. After you take that, assuming you pass, you go to one of several sites around the US and do an oral exam. (Individual interview, group interview, and some more written testing.) Then a security/health exam. And then you're on a roster. When you're up, you get a list of postions which you rank. (Entry level rank in tiers "high", "medium" and "low", mid and upper level rank numerically, similar to ranking residencies.) It sounded interesting, though I'm not ready to up and join. Not sure what Nykki would do. (Though she said that they had people from fresh-out-of-undergrad to their 50s and 60s starting in her class. Maybe as a "retirement"...)

(I really have to start limiting what I find interesting. I think I'm supposed to have picked a career by now. :D)

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